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Writer's pictureYay I'm Fifty Something!

Old, Old Friends

I had my first boyfriend when I was 13 years old. When I look back now, I was too young to have a boyfriend but when I was 13, children were not magical and I was allowed to fumble through most things that happened into my life.

I had started 7th grade in junior high school (we didn't have "middle" school) and everything was new and awkward. My face suddenly broke out in a relentless rash of pimples which I attempted to battle with every treatment that could be found and also any rumor that I heard would lessen acne. But it was all in vain and I became very shy and even more introverted.

Another thing that made junior high school awkward was the demographics of the student population. In elementary school, I had been one of just a few black children but in junior high, there was a huge population and I noticed a distinct difference in how I was perceived. I found many girls to be mean spirited and they took notice of girls with long hair such as mine. Thank goodness, I had one best friend that was a blessing in dealing with the problems of puberty!

No boy had ever noticed me but the first week of 8th grade, a tall, slightly chunky boy with a wide smile and skin the same color as mine, came bouncing into the cafeteria. Everyone seemed to know him and he was laughing out loud and teasing people as he passed them. He purchased some food and walked straight over to my table. "Hi", he said. "I'm Wayne. What's your name? You are amazingly cute. May I call you on the phone sometime?"

I was very surprised and speechless but we started to chat. Eventually, I did give him my telephone number and he was my boyfriend for the next 3 years. We were never super serious; I never had any delusions that we would get married but he was such a fun friend. Even when I broke things off with him in high school, I understood him and it did not end in anger.

So in our 50's, while visiting my hometown, I learned that he was in the hospital and I went straight away to visit. At first, he looked different but the more he spoke, I saw the face of the 13 year old boy just under the surface. He isn't well now; he's lived a party life. But our friendship was still there and we talked and laughed for hours.

I was pondering, as I often do, and thinking that I'll bet he had no idea that the shy girl he befriended at a lunch table at age 13 would help him in a hospital room almost 40 years later.

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