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Grey Head

I found my first grey hair when I was in my 30's. I didn't like it from the beginning. There were more where that one came from and they continued to multiply. Even hair that I already had began to lose its pigmentation from the root and crept down to the end. Around 40, I had to do something which, of course, meant coloring.

I did it myself using over the counter dye in the beginning, but by age 48, I had put a professional colorist on my personal payroll. At age 50, I needed to see the colorist every 6 weeks. My colorist says I am 90% grey in some areas. I've confirmed this with a mirror. At the crown of my head, my roots are glow-in-the-dark white!

I don't like the grey hair but I have become weary of the battle. I hate spending so much money getting it done. I hate the commute to the salon. I despise spending hours in the stylist's chair and I hate that dark ring around my head afterwards. And worst of all, I think the chemicals are thinning my hair. I've had enough.

As much as I hate to announce this, I WILL NO LONGER COLOR MY HAIR. There I said it. I'm cringing inside to say the words...I'm horrified. I am going to be a grey haired lady. A Grey Head! Me! The Shame, The Shame!

But you know what? I've had my time with black hair. When you are 50 something, that's when you turn grey. That's how God does it. So I'm going for it. It will take about 3 years to get it completely done. Today is the 5 month anniversary of my last color. Honestly, I am terrified but I've made my choice and I plan to stick to it.

So there it is. I will be a grey head. I will show pictures as I go through this process.

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